Human dignity is precious

The feeling of having dignity is in many ways, a constant variable to our sense of self-worth. Jesus’ life and ministry constantly restored a lost sense of dignity to human beings—most often to those who were thought to be less than or written off by society, but even now when he is not here on earth- He does the same for us.


As I’m sure we have all experienced, the feeling of dignity is very easily lost. You make a mistake and beat yourself up. Someone accuses you of something you didn’t do. You say the wrong thing and are on the outs with people who previously liked you. You go online and get sucked into the comparison trap. You try to do better but miss the mark you set for yourself and then shame yourself. You start to think that God would never notice, care about or even love someone like you. 

The feeling of having dignity is in many ways, a constant variable to our sense of self-worth. Jesus’ life and ministry constantly restored a lost sense of dignity to human beings—most often to those who were thought to be less than or written off by society, but even now when he is not here on earth- He does the same for us. As I’m sure we have all experienced, the feeling of dignity is very easily lost. You make a mistake and beat yourself up. Someone accuses you of something you didn’t do. You say the wrong thing and are on the outs with people who previously liked you. You go online and get sucked into the comparison trap. You try to do better but miss the mark you set for yourself and then shame yourself. You start to think that God would never notice, care about or even love someone like you. 
Through Christ’s self-giving love for others, people were able to feel like they could reclaim their lives. As those who are so immensely loved by Him, it breaks his heart to see our dignity damaged. Human dignity originates from God and is of God because we are made in God’s own image and likeness as seen in Genesis 1:26-27;

“Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness…So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them, male and female he created them.”

When we become aware of our own sins and limitations, we have the incredible chance to heal and choose a new life when we discover how Christ comes alive in and through each of us. What this healing means for us is that Jesus, who so personally and compassionately meets us where we are at, heals and restores our dignity. And likewise, in such a personal and intimate way for us, gives himself to us. So, as you think upon the things that make you feel as if your dignity has been ripped from you, offer your heart to His healing. He has come to meet you where you are and gives you Himself completely, He can heal our loneliness and brokenness.  Open your heart to Jesus, simply be there with Him and let God come into you in such a compassionate, loving, personal way, for to God you and I are worth it.